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Sustainable Development

Oxygen-rich combustion refers to a high-efficiency combustion technology in the combustion process, the volume fraction of oxygen is greater than 21% oxygen content in the air as a combustion gas, when the combustion gas directly uses more than 99% of industrial pure oxygen, also known as pure oxygen combustion. Oxygen-enriched combustion technology can increase the combustion flame temperature, reduce the amount of primary air extraction, and save fuel consumption and reduce exhaust emissions.

Oxy-fuel / oxy-fuel combustion technology

Oxy-fuel combustion is an efficient combustion technology in which the volume fraction of oxygen in the combustion process is greater than 21 % of the oxygen content in the air.

Oxygen-enriched combustion process

Oxygen-rich combustion refers to a high-efficiency combustion technology in the combustion process, the volume fraction of oxygen is greater than 21% oxygen content in the air as a combustion gas, when the combustion gas directly uses more than 99% of industrial pure oxygen, also known as pure oxygen combustion. Oxygen-enriched combustion technology can increase the combustion flame temperature, reduce the amount of primary air extraction, and save fuel consumption and reduce exhaust emissions

Oxygen-enriched combustion technology

At present, oxygen-rich combustion technology is widely used in steel and non-ferrous metal smelting, heat treatment, glass melting, waste power generation and other industrial fields. Especially in non-ferrous metal smelting, steel heat treatment and glass kilns, has gradually begun to use pure oxygen instead of oxygen rich or air, so that the energy-saving effect of the kiln can reach 40-60%, exhaust emissions are reduced by 70%, and a large number of harmful gas emissions such as NOX. Therefore, in the current market competition is fierce and the voice of energy conservation and environmental protection is rising, it has a larger industrial market prospect.

Liquid nitrogen quick-freezing technology (food)

The liquid nitrogen quick-freezing technology is combined with the food line to become an automated production line, which is suitable for processing fish and shrimp, shrimp, seafood, river fresh, fresh, meat products, high-grade fruits, ingredients, out-of-season fruits, medicinal materials and other large quantities of food quick-freezing.

The benefits of liquid nitrogen rapid preservation technology for seafood products
The freezing time of traditional ice cubes is usually more than 6 hours, and the long cooling process has caused no small damage to proteins and structures. Using liquid nitrogen fresh freezing technology, the freezing process is completed within 3 to 12 minutes, which greatly reduces the degree of damage to the organizational structure, and the seafood can basically maintain the original freshness after thawing. High water retention rate, better taste Due to the speed of rapid freezing can make the water in the cell and the cell gap freeze at the same time, and become countless fine and uniform ice crystals invisible to the naked eye, reducing the water in the cell out, seafood juice will not be lost, better taste. The ice crystal is smaller, and the quality of seafood is higher. Because the ice crystal of liquid nitrogen fresh freezing technology is invisible to the naked eye, the ice crystal is more fine and uniform, and the cell tissue is not damaged, and the quality of frozen seafood products is also higher. The cells are not damaged, the nutrients are not lost, the cells are not damaged, and the nutrients are not lost, which can provide better nutritional value. Better isolation of bacteria to ensure food safety Liquid nitrogen rapid preservation technology produced by the gas is inert nitrogen, liquid nitrogen in the vaporization process to isolate the air has played a role in protecting food. In addition, ultra-low temperature allows the product to be fully effective when frozen, and there is no need to worry about the bacterial reproduction and destruction of food attached to the food.

Liquid nitrogen freezing shield technology

Soil stabilization measures should be taken for shield tunneling. Currently, common soil stabilization technologies include SMW construction method, high-pressure rotary jet pile, deep mixing pile, grouting method, freezing method, etc. Many construction methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but none of them can be guaranteed. During shield tunneling, water and sand gush or even collapse will inevitably occur due to poor soil reinforcement, and the freezing temperature of liquid nitrogen is extremely low. The freezing speed is fast and the time is short, which is very suitable for the remedial and emergency construction in such accidents. At present, liquid nitrogen freezing shield technology is widely used in urban subway construction projects. Liquid nitrogen freezing is a low temperature liquefaction method. The advantages of using liquid nitrogen freezing for shield initiation are as follows: fast freezing speed and short time from freezing to forming effective carcass; The energy supply is fast and the freezing lift is easy to form, which is especially suitable for the implementation in the fluid water-rich sand layer with confined water. The freezing lifting strength is high, and the possibility of collapse is small when the tunnel door is broken.

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